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The Intention Wellness Model 

We all have or we all should have a special place we can go to that brings us peace and serenity. An environment we feel meaningfully connected to. Mine has been the Delaware River since my early 20's. It is also where the idea for my wellness model was born. Rivers, each one is different and unique as each one of us. One of the most intriguing aspects of the water on Earth is that it is rarely created or destroyed within the Earth System. In like our emotional traumas do not create nor destroy our spiritual existence on this earth but changes our physical experience. The magnificent river is transformed and transferred as part of Earth's dynamic balanced hydrologic cycle,  as our physical appearance is transformed as the years progress and our spiritual essence is not transformed but  transferred accordingly. Water molecules are in constant motion from one location and physical state to another as the free flow of our emotions (energy in motion) continues to move with the natural changing of our physical state. The river, much like you and I, (the physical and spiritual being) is a dynamic combination of the seen and scientifically proven and the unseen and scientifically unexplained occurrences. This combination participates in a complex dance from the point of origin, or birth, toward the ocean or end only to transform and transfer all over again.

I created The Intention Wellness Model to explain the importance of experiencing  the natural flow of life as nature intended  and the consequences of disrupting (blocking)  that intended flow. We are born with intention, natural intention before we are able to analyze, reason and question. As we mature, our life experiences begin to influence us to alter and change our natural intention, stopping or slowing down that complex dance between  our  spiritual essence  and physical state. A disruption or blockage occurs when one holds on to an emotional and/or physical trauma causing a diversion from your life’s natural intended purpose. This model focuses on the correlation between ones past emotional and physical traumas and ones intended present, and future performance in all areas of their life.  

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